STRIKEWEB – a single autonomy suite for defense systems

All our products share a common perception and autonomy suite, StrikeWeb.

StrikeWeb is designed to interface with optical / thermal cameras, marine / air radars, tactical drones, and digital radios, along with secure fleet management capabilities.

It offers a common suite for detection, tracking, classification, patrolling and geolocation of targets, across multiple sensors and platforms.

StrikeWeb features an intuitive and user-friendly interface, running on the cloud or on-premise, designed to facilitate the ease of use and efficient operation. Its visualization capabilities enhance the operator’s ability to interpret data quickly and accurately, improving situational awareness and response times.

The system provides many data management features, supporting the storage, retrieval, and analysis of historical data, aggregating data from multiple edge devices.

Al Detection & Tracking: The edge computer can analyze data from multiple sources agnostically incl. but not limited to cameras, radars, ESM & AlS in real-time, using Al algorithms to detect and track potential threats. This reduces false positives and ensures that only significant events are flagged for further attention.

Geolocation: The system provides precise location data for detected objects, enhancing situational awareness and facilitating rapid response by security personnel. The system is capable of geolocating targets passively (using only camera units) by matching frame pixels to map coordinates accordingly. For improved localization accuracy, radar feed can be fused to the system providing active geolocation capability.

Recognition & Classification: Any object of interest autonomously detected by the system can be classified in a specific category (human, vehicle, vessel, smoke) and further information on the type of object can be provided through the library the system has been trained on (e.g. Vessel - Type: Frigate).